About the FDT

What is a Development Trust?

A development trust is a community-owned and led organisation, working to combine community-led action with an enterprising approach to address and tackle local needs and issues.

Trusts are independent but aim to work in partnership with other private, public and third sector organisations. 

Development trusts can become involved in a very wide range of activities such as:

  • Community owned energy projects
  • Buyouts of community land (Even whole islands!)
  • Generation of local employment

For some interesting case studies and to find out more about Development trusts head to the Development Trust Association Scotland’s (DTAS) website here.

edinkillie hallRafford VHThe FDT is in its infancy and a considerable amount of work has to be done over the next 6 months to consult with the local community and to develop a 5 year Strategic Plan.

The exact size, shape, organisational structure and management processes will be developed by talking to other community trusts so that we can learn from their mistakes and successes. We want to avoid the wasted energy of “re-inventing wheels” and concentrate on arriving at the best organisation to deliver long term community development.

The pages of this website will change as we grow into a mature community development entity. We will do our utmost to keep our stakeholders informed and engaged as we progress on this journey.

The following pages contain information about the current state of play of the FDT. They are an accurate reflection of where we are just now, but, with the exception of “our identity”,  are all subject to change.